Hawthorne Radio Episode 7

Not Available Digitally - Hawthorne Radio 7

This episode focuses exclusively on songs that are NOT available on iTunes or Spotify. This is by no means a diss to those services (I love them both and use them all the time), but merely a reminder of how much incredible music is still not available digitally.

Hawthorne Radio Episode 6

Happy Birthday Frank - Hawthorne Radio 6

I wasn't going to do a Sinatra mix because I felt like there would be enough out there, but then my manager was like "you love Sinatra!" and I was like "yeah I do!". So here it is. My favorite Sinatra and related joints plus a few curveballs. Happy Birthday Frank.

1/18 & 1/19 – The Mayer Hawthorne Revue


For the first time ever, Mayer Hawthorne brings all three of his groups to one stage for a special concert experience, The Mayer Hawthorne Revue – featuring live performances by Jaded Incorporated, Tuxedo, and Mayer Hawthorne & The County – at the intimate Teragram Ballroom, Downtown Los Angeles.

Tickets go on sale Friday!